With proven integrations connecting Symphony Talent with a company’s CRM, ATS, or other system, talent acquisition workflows run smoother so talent teams work smarter.
Gain an objective and unbiased view into your candidates and employees with targeted assessments that focus on behaviors, personality traits, cognitive aptitudes, skills, and knowledge. Our talent assessments are backed by more than 100 years of scientific research from the I/O psychology field and more than 30 years of real-world application to ensure accuracy and optimal value.
Leverage talent assessments to predict job performance and fit by identifying behavioral styles, preferences, and tendencies for engagement throughout the talent lifecycle.
Take a test drive with the below sample tests.
Key Roles and Verticals | Microsoft Simulations | Basic Skills Assessments | Behavioral and Cognitive
Enhance your qualification process by creating and publishing custom talent assessments that best suit your specific needs. For example, teams can create custom items with images or video capabilities, control the order of items and individual test sections, include intuitive workflows and timers, and more.
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